Multicolored moth

2019 June 2

When I spotted this moth on the wall of the building I work in on May 24, 2019, I unfortunately only had my cellphone camera available. And since it was about the size of my thumbnail, the pictures didn’t come out quite as sharp as I would have liked. But anyway, here it is:


I like the wavy, multicolored bands across the wings, kind of like a pastel rainbow. It also rested with the tip of its tail turned up.



From the body morphology, I think it is a Geometrid moth, possibly related to the genus Hydriomena. In fact, the body shape and timing is very close to this one that I photographed back in 2010. It could conceivably even be the same species, if they have significant color variations.

3 Responses
  1. June 12, 2019

    What is your phone? My Pixel 3 has a great camera, but when I take insect shots with it, they had better be against a high contrast background or it won’t focus properly.

  2. June 12, 2019

    I have a Cat S61 phone. The visible-light camera is OK but pretty run-of-the-mill for a modern phone (and not as good as my Olympus TG-3 pocket camera), but then again that wasn’t the primary feature I was interested in when I bought it. I was more interested in the FLIR thermal imaging camera.

  3. June 15, 2019

    Dang, dude. That’s a serious phone.

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